Good to know

Player maturation

Basketball is interested in combination of four basic forms of maturity.


Most players, but not all, reach their physical maturity at the age of eighteen. Before we get into serious work we need to be sure what physical age our player is at. Maturity timing refers to the chronological ages when specific maturational events occur.

Skeletal age is the most useful estimate of physical maturity status. Skeletal age and fusion of the distal radius based on MRI are periodically used for chronological age verification. Given the maturity related gradient in selection favouring early maturing males basketball players, the likely hood of false negatives is increased. Ethnic variation in skeletal maturation is also a related consideration. As such, skeletal age and fusion of the distal radius should not be used for age verification purposes in basketball.

Maturity offset was suggested as a categorical variable, pre or post age of 18. As such, it is most useful close to the time of actual age in average [ on time ] maturing basketball players within a narrow age range through U20, which limits its utility with elite male basketball players who tend to be early maturing. Ethnic variation in sitting height and estimated leg length is also a confounder in the prediction equations.

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